NEWS '00-'01

September: This year, we've already been to the Provincial Girl Guide Camp at "Doe Lake" near Huntsville, Ont. There were over 1000 girls from all over Ontario in attendance. Wow! What a weekend! The girls learned a variety of skills such as: orienteering, ice-cream making, water fun, archery, kite making, and the list goes on and on. They also developed some great friendships as well as meeting other girls in the organization.

October: Halloween It's fast approaching, and we've some spooky plans for the girls!  They just have to keep looking over their shoulders. We had a terrific sleep over with the girls:  dancing, making crafts, playing games, cooking delicious pancakes in the morning.  Of course we did some program too!
We have just begun our "Chocolate Mint Cookie" fundraiser. Mmmm, they're delicious! Let's support our favorite Girl Guides and purchase some great cookies!

A few of us braved the cool weather in mid October to join the Scouts for J.O.T.A. (Jamboree on the Air).  What a super time we had that Saturday!  We learned about ham radios, compasses and geology.  We also took some time for a nature hike around the lake!  As we neared the end of the trail, we played on the equipment, swing, tires, ropes.  You would have chuckled had you seen some of the Guiding Leaders on those ropes!   HaHa!

November: This November was filled with fun activities.  We visited and sang for the seniors at the Georgian Residence.  While there, we met a woman who belonged to the first Girl Guide Troop in Northern Ontario in the early1900's.  She had some photos of camping, pins and badges to show us.  What a learning experience!

December: December was a month of festivities.  The guides were excited as the weeks progressed.    Our finale was a spirited Christmas Party!  A Pajama Christmas Party at that!  Our first year guides brought in some homemade goodies and we even learned some Line Dancing to our hometown gal Shania's  "Who's Bed Have Your Boots Been Under"  YeeeHaaaaaaaw!
We wish everyone the best this holiday season!  Our next meeting will be on January 9th, 2001.


January: We started January off on a backwards foot!   We even dressed as backwards as we could!   Our campfire was the first item on our agenda for the returning meeting.   This January was filled with a fun event.  The girls had to polish their windpipes in order to sing out loud for the "Sing Ontario Sing" aka "Sing Timmins Sing" event held in late January.   The Timmins District Guiding Units all joined together to learn some cool new songs.  We even had karaoke during our lunch break!  We have some stars among us!


February: Our most precious month is here.  THINKING DAY takes place on February 22nd 2001.  This is when we honour Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell for their generous hearts in forming what is known today as the World Guiding/Scouting Movement!  Thanks to them, we are who we are.
Valentines day is on it's way!   I think a party is in order!  Cupid will pay us a visit and make our hearts thump.
We also have planned a few events:   Bowling in celebration of Thinking Day
                                                             (all Timmins Units)
                                                             Winter Camp

March:  Our weather was warming up slightly this month.  We had a 'sleep-over' at the church, and had a blast!  Our theme was "Bad Hair Weekend".  One of our leaders is a hairstylist, so she fiddled and faddled with the girls hair, teaching them some new tricks!  We also studied for our Fire Safety Badge, with a trip to our Fire Station.  We had a great time.

April:  April saw us marching along on a hike at Kettle Lakes Provincial Park. Yes, there was still snow in the bush!  The girls really enjoyed building their own campfire, then cooking their lunch.  We did some orienteering and lashing.  After a wonderful afternoon, it was time to hike back to the road.... ugh! We managed, but a few of us had sore feet.


May:  May saw the end of our yearly meetings. **Boohoo**.  We finished up program work and had fun.  Our final night saw us playing Mini-Putt at the Hollinger Park.

June:  5th Timmins and 2nd Timmins shared Camp Chimo for our outdoor fun this year.  We had a jam-packed weekend.... campfire, hiking, outdoor cooking, crafts, rain, wet tents, Tribal Council.  Our theme was Survivor, and boy, did we survive!  Can't wait till next year's camp.

July:  Although our meetings were over by July, the Girl Guides did some community work.  The Shania Twain Center opened it's doors on June 30/July1, to coincide with Canada Day Festivities.  With the help of many units, we offered an inflatable slide,face painting and tattoos to the visitors of the Center.  We raised some funds for our units.  The weather proved to be unstable those days, therefore, we were invited indoors on Sunday.  What a great way to promote Guiding!


That's all for now.   This is 2nd Timmins Guides reporting.
Please check back for further events and news!

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